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При прошивке отключилась dwl2100AP

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    При прошивке отключилась dwl2100AP

    Ребят, помогите, при прошивке дернули питание, теперь при включении точка мигает лампой Power, при подключении к Hyper Terminal дает следующее.....


    WAP-G02A Boot Procedure V1.0
    Start ..Boot.B14..

    Atheros AR5001AP default version


    Attaching to TFFS... done.
    Loading /fl/APIMG1...

    Please wait, loading image ...

    check runtime image signature error
    image check fail!!!

    error loading file: status = 0x3d0001.

    Error loading RUNTIME file: errno = 0xd0003.
    Loading /fl/backup...

    Please wait, loading image ...

    image check ok!!!

    /fl/ - Volume is OK
    Reading Configuration File "/fl/apcfg".
    apcfg: cannot set DHCPServer to 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000
    00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000
    00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000
    ТУТ МНОГО НУЛЕЙ !!!!!!!
    00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000
    00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000
    00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000
    00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000
    00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000
    apcfg: unknown config item IP_FILTER
    apcfg: unknown config item matstate
    apcfg: unknown config item trapState
    apcfg: unknown config item sysTrap
    apcfg: unknown config item wirelessTrap
    apcfg: unknown config item memPoorPeriod
    apcfg: unknown config item bcFloodPeriod
    apcfg: unknown config item deAuthPeriod
    apcfg: unknown config item deAuthCount
    apcfg: unknown config item deAssocPeriod
    apcfg: unknown config item deAssocCount
    apcfg: unknown config item cpuloadlimit
    apcfg: unknown config item cpuloadperiod
    apcfg: unknown config item sysLogIP
    apcfg: unknown config item sysLogRemote
    apcfg: unknown config item sysLogLocal
    apcfg: unknown config item sysLogSYS
    apcfg: unknown config item sysLogWireless
    apcfg: unknown config item sysLogOther
    apcfg: unknown config item bridgeLearning
    apcfg: unknown config item pktLogEnable
    apcfg: unknown config item pktLogEnable
    apcfg: unknown config item ofdmTrigLow
    apcfg: unknown config item ofdmTrigHigh
    apcfg: unknown config item cckTrigLow
    apcfg: unknown config item cckTrigHigh
    apcfg: unknown config item enableANI
    apcfg: unknown config item noiseImmunityLvl
    apcfg: unknown config item spurImmunityLvl
    apcfg: unknown config item ofdmWeakSigDet
    apcfg: unknown config item cckWeakSigThr
    apcfg: unknown config item firStepLvl
    apcfg: unknown config item ServiceType
    apcfg: unknown config item ServiceType
    apcfg: unknown config item RadarChRecordFlag
    apcfg: unknown config item RadarChRecordFlag
    apcfg: unknown config item DiapEnable
    apcfg: unknown config item wmmParam
    apcfg: unknown config item wmmParam
    apcfg: unknown config item wmmParamBss
    apcfg: unknown config item wmmParamBss
    apcfg: unknown config item TimeZoneOffSet
    apcfg: unknown config item dayLightSaving
    apcfg: unknown config item WDS
    apcfg: unknown config item WDS
    apcfg: unknown config item WMM
    apcfg: unknown config item WMM
    apcfg: unknown config item VLAN
    apcfg: unknown config item VLAN
    apcfg: unknown config item SNMP_SrvIP
    apcfg: unknown config item XR
    apcfg: unknown config item XR
    apcfg: unknown config item XRPoll
    apcfg: unknown config item XRPoll
    apcfg: unknown config item XRQueueFrameLimit
    apcfg: unknown config item XRQueueFrameLimit
    apcfg: unknown config item XRQueuePollRate
    apcfg: unknown config item XRQueuePollRate
    apcfg: unknown config item XRFragmentThreshold
    apcfg: unknown config item XRFragmentThreshold
    apcfg: unknown config item MinimumRate
    apcfg: unknown config item MinimumRate
    apcfg: unknown config item vlanstate
    apcfg: unknown config item vlanstate
    apcfg: unknown config item nativevlan
    apcfg: unknown config item nativevlan
    apcfg: unknown config item RSTP
    apcfg: unknown config item SSH
    apcfg: unknown config item DLSAgent
    apcfg: unknown config item dataratecontrol
    apcfg: unknown config item dataratecontrol
    apcfg: unknown config item datarate
    apcfg: unknown config item datarate
    apcfg: unknown config item basicdatarate
    apcfg: unknown config item basicdatarate
    apcfg: unknown config item multi-ssidstate
    apcfg: unknown config item multi-ssidstate
    apcfg: unknown config item Vlantag
    apcfg: unknown config item Vlantag
    apcfg: unknown config item MSSID_Config_v001
    apcfg: unknown config item MSSID_Config_v001
    apcfg: unknown config item basisOfConnect
    apcfg: unknown config item basisOfConnect
    apcfg: unknown config item MRC_Enable
    apcfg: unknown config item MRC_Enable
    apcfg: unknown config item MaxMulticastRateIndex
    apcfg: unknown config item MaxMulticastRateIndex
    apcfg: unknown config item MulticastPacketControl
    apcfg: unknown config item MulticastPacketControl
    apcfg: unknown config item MaxMulticastPacketNumber
    apcfg: unknown config item MaxMulticastPacketNumber
    apcfg: unknown config item jswProfile
    Configuration file checksum: a71a87 is good
    usrEndLibInit: wlan not found.
    usrEndLibInit: enet not found.
    apInit: no wlan device
    AP initilization failed!
    Attaching interface lo0...done
    vxWorksTftpPackageInit: init. finish & success!

    какие предпринять действия ???

    При нажатии кнопки RESET точка выдает следующее !!!

    resetting to factory

    ar531x rev 0x00005850 firmware startup...

    WAP-G02A Boot Procedure V1.0
    Start ..Boot.B14..

    Atheros AR5001AP default version


    Attaching to TFFS... done.
    Loading /fl/APIMG1...

    Please wait, loading image ...

    image check ok!!!

    /fl/ - Volume is OK
    Using factory default settings.
    usrEndLibInit: wlan not found.
    usrEndLibInit: enet not found.
    apInit: no wlan device
    AP initilization failed!
    Attaching interface lo0...done
    vxWorksTftpPackageInit: init. finish & success!


      а почитать этот же раздел слабо http://www.lan23.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=1363


        Уже после создания темы прочитал....не получается ничего...вот тут flags (f) : 0x80 выскакивает 0x00 и если поменять ругается invalid number, если оставить, то не грузится !

        Забыл упомянуть ЛАН контроллер перепаяный НЕ РОДНОЙ !!! RTL8201BL

        [Boot]: c

        '.' = clear field; '-' = go to previous field; ^D = quit

        boot device : ae1
        processor number : 0
        host name : mason
        file name : art
        inet on ethernet (e) :
        inet on backplane (b):
        host inet (h) :
        gateway inet (g) :
        user (u) : 1
        ftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh): 1
        flags (f) : 0x0 ТУТ НЕ ДАЕТ МЕНЯТЬ !!!
        target name (tn) :
        startup script (s) :
        other (o) : ae

        [Boot]: p

        boot device : ???????????ae
        unit number : 1
        processor number : 0
        host name : mason
        file name : ???????????????ae?rt
        inet on ethernet (e) :
        host inet (h) :
        user (u) : 1
        ftp password (pw) : 1
        flags (f) : 0x0
        startup script (s) : ??????????
        other (o) : ?

        После жму @ точка перезагружается и пишет что не может загрузиться can't load boot file


          В общем ищу родной контроллер LAN после уже буду пробывать !

